Q-1.Explain Hydrological Cycle & its components?
Q-2.Enumerate different types of raingauge with neat sketch diagram?
Q-3.Explain the Computation of runoff . Describe various factors affecting runoff.
Q-4.Describe Base flow separation and its methods in detail with Hydrograph.
Q-5.What is unit Hydrograph? Describe the procedure of using a unit hydrograph to develop the flood List the assumptions involved in the unit hydrograph Theory.
Q-6.A catchment has seven rain gauge stations. In a year, the annual rainfalls recorded by the gauges are as follows.
Station |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
Rainfall (cm) |
130.0 |
142.1 |
118.2 |
108.5 |
165.2 |
102.1 |
146.9 |
Q-7.Determine the standard error in the estimation of the mean rainfall in the existing set of rain gauges.
Q-8.For a 5% error in the estimation of the mean rainfall, calculate the minimum number of additional rain gauge station to be established in the catchment.
Q-9.A 3h Unit Hydrograph for a basin has the following ordinates. Using the S-curve method determine 9-h unit hydrograph ordinates.
Time (h) |
0 |
3 |
6 |
9 |
12 |
15 |
18 |
21 |
24 |
27 |
30 |
33 |
36 |
Discharge (m3/sec) |
0 |
12 |
75 |
132 |
180 |
210 |
183 |
156 |
135 |
144 |
96 |
87 |
66 |
Q-10. Find the delta for a crop if the duty for a base period of 110 days is 1400 hectares/cumec. Q-11. Define (a) Crop rotation (b) Crop ratio (c) Consumptive use \
Q-12. Write down various advantages and disadvantages of irrigation? Describe various methods of irrigation with neat sketch.
Q-13. What is duty and delta? Derive a relationship between them. Describe various factors affecting duty.
Q-14. Define the following (a) Crop Rotation (b) Base Period
(c) Filed Capacity (d) Wilting Coefficient
Q-15. Define Irrigation & its necessity? Write down various advantage and disadvantages of irrigation? Explain Irrigation development.
Q-16. Explain various type of Irrigation method?
Q-17. Find the delta for a crop if the duty for a base period of 100 days is 1200 hectares/cumec.
Q-18. The root zone of an irrigation soil has dry unit weight of 15 KN/m3 and a field capacity of 30%. The root zone depth of a certain crop, having permanent wilting percentage of 8% is 0.8m. Determine (a) depth of moisture in the root zone at filed capacity (b) depth of moisture in the root zone at permanent wilting point, and (c) depth of water available.
Q-19. Write down various aquifer properties.
Q-20. State and discuss assumptions and limitations of Dupit’s Theory. Derive expression for discharge from a well in unconfined aquifer or confined aquifer (anyone).
Q-21. What do you understand by recuperation test? Derive the equation used in the test. Q-22. Discuss advantages & disadvantages of well irrigation.
Q-23. Show, with the help of sketch, various types of well.
Q-24. The following observations were recorded during a pumping out test on tube well penetrating fully in a aquifer.
Well diameter = 25cm
Discharge from the well= 300 m3/ hour
R.L. of original water surface, before pumping started= 122m
R.L. of water in the well at constant pumping =117.1 m
R.L. of water in the observation well =121.3m
R.L. of impervious layer=92.0m
Radial distance of observation well from tube well =50m Q-25. Determine:
Field permeability coefficient of the aquifer (b)
radius of zero drawdown Q-26. Design a tube well for the
following data:
Yield required = 0.08 cumec
Thickness of confined aquifer= 30m
Radius of circle of influence = 300m
Permeability coefficient = 60m/day
Drawdown = 5m
Q-27. Describe Kennedy’s silt theory. Write down the design steps of channel by Kennedy’s theory.
Q-28. Explain Lacey’s Regime Theory? Write down regime conditions. Draw and discuss channel section according to lacey’s theory.
Q-29. What do you understand by Canal lining? Explain various types of lining an necessity of lining.
Q-30. Explain different types of hydraulic structure with suitable sketch.
Q-31. Design an irrigation Channel on Kennedy’s theory, to carry a discharge of 45 cumecs.
Take N=0.0225 and m=1.05. The channel has a bed slope 1 in 5000.
Q-32. The slope of channel in alluvium is S= 1/5000; Laceys’ silt factor=0.9 and channel side
slope =1:1.
Find the channel section and maximum discharge which can be allowed to
flow in it.
Q-33. Discuss about water resources in India?
Q-34. Explain use of GIS in water resources.
Q-35. Describe flood routing through reservoirs and channels. Q-36. Explain various methods of the flood peak magnitude. Q-37. Describe use of GIS for Water Resources
Q-38. Discuss Planning of water resources projects
Q-39. For a river, the estimated flood peaks for two return periods by the use of Gumble’s method are as follows:-
Return Period T (Years) |
Peak flood (m3/sec) |
100 |
435 |
50 |
395 |
When flood discharge in this river will have return period of 1000 years.
Q-40. Annual maximum recorded floods in the river bhima at deorgaon, a tributary of the river Krishna, for the period 1951 to 1961 is given below.
Year |
Maximum Flood (m3/s) |
1951 |
2947 |
1952 |
3521 |
1953 |
2399 |
1954 |
4124 |
1955 |
3496 |
1956 |
2947 |
1957 |
5060 |
1958 |
4903 |
1959 |
3757 |
1960 |
4798 |
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