Saturday, December 11, 2021

Important question Transportation Engineering

 1.        Explain super-elevation & mention the 4 design steps of super-elevation.

2.        Explain Stopping Sight Distance and Overtaking sight distance.

3.        Explain in detail the Nagpur road plan.

4.        Explain in detail Road widening.

5.        Calculate SSD for V=50kmph for (a) two-way traffic in a two lane road (b) two-way traffic in single lane road.

6.        Find the extra widening for W=7m, R=250m, longest wheel base, l=7m, V=70kmph.

7.        Two lane road, V=80 kmph, R=480 m, Width of the pavement at the horizontal curve=7.5 m. (i) Design super elevation for mixed traffic. (ii) By how much the outer edge of the pavement is to be raised with respect to the centerline, if the pavement is rotated with respect to centerline.

8.        A valley curve is formed by descending gradient n1= 1 in 25 and ascending gradient n2= 1 in 30. Design the length of the valley curve for V=80kmph.

9.        Write a note on length of transition curve.

10.     Write a note on superelevation.

11.     Draw a neat section of flexible pavement and discuss all the components.

12.     Discuss advantages & disadvantages of rigid pavements.

13.     How bituminous mix design is done by Marshall method? Explain various criteria and test procedure with graphs.

14.     Write a note on highway parking and compare different types of parking.

15.     Write notes on the following

a.        Sub-surface drainage

b.        Channelized intersections

16.     Explain the following

a.        Transportation Planning

b.        Road marking

17.     Discuss the following

a.        WBM

b.        WMM

c.        BM

d.        IBM

18.     Write short notes on following

a.        Joints in concrete pavement

b.        Dowel bars & tie bars

19.     Discuss the following

a)      Trip generation

b)      Trip distribution

c)      Rotary design

d)     Sign & signals

e)      Street lighting

20.     Discuss different patterns of runway capacity.

21.     Discuss all the factors to be considered during airport site selection.

22.     The length of a runway under standard conditions is 1550 m. The airport is to be provided at an elevation of 140 m above the MSL. The ART is 24°C. Determine the corrected runway length if the effective gradient is 0.4%.

23.     What is wind rose? Explain how wind rose I & II are used to find orientation.

24.     Explain PAR in detail.

25.     Explain

a)        Approach Area

b)       Conical Surface

26.     Write notes on the following

a)        Take-off climb surface

b)       Airport classification

c)        Basic runway length

27.     Write notes on the following (any 2)

a)        Runway Lights

b)       VOR

c)                             Zoning regulations

28.              Discuss the following

a)      Rotating beacon

b)      Approach lights

29.     Draw a detailed plan of airport lighting.

30.     Write a note on zoning regulations

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