Friday, July 2, 2021

Civil Engineering Abbreviation

 Civil Engineering Abbreviation

  1. A&E, A/E Architect and Engineer; Architecture and Engineering
  2. AAC Autoclaved Aerated Concrete
  3. ABE Association of Building Engineers
  4. AC Appeal Cases
  5. ACA Association of Consultant Architects
  6. ACE Association of Consulting Engineers
  7. ACoP Approved Code of Practice
  8. ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution
  9. AFC Approved for Construction
  10. AGA Authorised Guarantee Agreement
  11. AGC Associate General Contractors of America
  12. AHU Air Handling Unit
  13. AI Approved Inspector; Architect’s Instruction
  14. AIA American Institute of Architects
  15. ALARP As Low as Reasonably Practicable
  16. All ER All England Reports
  17. ALWC Accelerated Low Water Corrosion
  18. ANB Adjudicator Nominating Body
  19. AOD Above Ordnance Datum
  20. API American Petroleum Institute
  21. APR Annual Percentage Rate
  22. ARB Architect’s Registration Board
  23. ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  24. ASR Alkali Silica Reaction
  25. AssocRICS Associate member of RICS
  26. ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
  27. BAE British Academy of Experts
  28. BAFO Best and Final Offer
  29. BAS Building Automation System
  30. BATNA Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement
  31. BBA British Board of Agrément
  32. BCB Building Control Body
  33. BCMS Building Control and Management System
  34. BERR Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
  35. BIM Building Information Modelling
  36. BIMMI BIM Maturity Index
  37. BIS Department for Business Innovation and Skills
  38. BLR Building Law Reports
  39. BMS Building Management System
  40. BOOT Build, Own, Operate and Transfer
  41. BOQ, BQ Bill of quantities
  42. BOT Build, Operate and Transfer
  43. BRE Building Research Establishment
  44. BREEAM BRE Environmental Assessment Method
  45. BS British Standards
  46. BSF Building Schools for the Future
  47. BSI British Standards Institution, Building Systems Integration
  48. BSRIA Building Services Research and Information Association
  49. BThU, Btu British Thermal Unit
  50. BWG Birmingham Wire Gauge
  51. BWIC Builder’s Work In Connection
  52. C&G City and Guilds of London Institute; Clearing and Grubbing
  53. CA Contract Administrator; Court of Appeal
  54. CAD Computer-Aided Design
  55. CAR Contractor’s All Risks policy
  56. CAWS The Common Arrangement of Work Sections
  57. CBR California Bearing Ratio
  58. CDE Common Data Environment
  59. CDM Construction (Design and Management)
  60. CDP Contractor Designed Portion
  61. CEDR Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution
  62. CEN European Committee for Standardisation
  63. CESSM Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement
  64. CFA Conditional Fee Agreement
  65. CGCT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
  66. Ch Chancery Division
  67. CIArb Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  68. CIBSE Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers
  69. CILL Construction Industry Law Letter
  70. CIMAR Construction Industry Model Arbitration Rules
  71. CIOB Chartered Institute of Building
  72. CIS Construction Industry Scheme
  73. CMC Case Management Conference
  74. CMU Concrete Masonry Unit
  75. COB Close of Business
  76. COBie Construction Operations Building Information
  77. Exchange
  78. COCO Contractor Owned Contractor Operated
  79. ConLR Construction Law Reports
  80. ConstLJ Construction Law Journal
  81. CORE Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment
  82. CORGI The Confederation for the Registration of Gas Installers
  83. COW Clerk of Works
  84. CPIC Construction Project Information Committee
  85. CPM Critical Path Analysis/Method
  86. CPR Civil Procedure Rules
  87. CPs Contractor’s Proposals
  88. CVA Company Voluntary Arrangement
  89. CVI Confi rmation of Verbal Instruction
  90. DAB Dispute Adjudication Board
  91. DB Decibel; Design and Build Contract; Dispute Board
  92. DBFM Design Build Finance Manage
  93. DBFO Design Build Finance Operate
  94. DBO Design Build Operate
  95. DCLG Department for Communities and Local Government
  96. DECC Department for Energy and Climate Change
  97. DfT Department for Transport
  98. DHW Domestic Hot Water
  99. DLP Defects Liability Period
  100. DNO Distribution Network Operator
  101. DoE Department of the Environment
  102. DPA Defective Premises Act
  103. DPC Damp Proof Course
  104. DPM Damp Proof Membrane
  105. DRB Dispute Resolution Board
  106. DRBF Dispute Resolution Board Foundation
  107. DTI Department of Trade and Industry
  108. E&OE Errors and Omissions excepted or excluded
  109. EA Environment Agency
  110. EAR Erector’s All Risks policy
  111. ECJ European Court of Justice
  112. EIA Environmental impact assessment
  113. EJ Expansion Joint
  114. ELPS Emergency Lighting Power Supply
  115. EN European Standard, Euronorm
  116. ENE Early Neutral Evaluation
  117. EOT Extension of time
  118. EPC Engineering, Procurement, Construction
  119. EPS Emergency Power Systems; Expanded Polystyrene
  120. ERs Employer’s Requirements
  121. ES Edison Screw
  122. ESD Electrostatic Discharge
  123. ETFE Ethylene Tetra Fluoroethylene
  124. EU European Union
  125. EVOH Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol Copolymer
  126. EWCA England and Wales Court of Appeal
  127. EWHC England and Wales High Court
  128. EWN Early Warning Notice
  129. Fam Family
  130. FAT Factory Acceptance Test
  131. FEED Front End Engineering Design
  132. FFE Furniture Fixtures Equipment
  133. FFL Finished Floor Level
  134. FIDIC Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs-Conseils
  135. Fi fa Fieri facias
  136. FIT Feed In Tariff
  137. FLA Football Licensing Authority
  138. FM Facilities Management
  139. FMB Federation of Master Builders
  140. FOIA The Freedom of Information Act 2000
  141. FPA Fire Protection Association
  142. FRC Fibre-Reinforced Concrete
  143. FRICS Fellow of the RICS
  144. FS Factor of Safety
  145. GA General Arrangement (drawing)
  146. GBG Good Building Guides
  147. GC/Work GC/Work (Formerly Government Conditions Contract)
  148. GEA Gross external area
  149. GMP Guaranteed maximum price
  150. GOCO Government owned, contractor operated
  151. GPDO General Permitted Development Order
  152. GRC Glass(fi bre)-reinforced concrete
  153. GRG Glass(fi bre)-reinforced gypsum
  154. GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic; Glass-Reinforced Polyester
  155. Ha Hectare
  156. HA Highways Agency
  157. HAC High Alumina Cement
  158. HAZID Hazard Identifi cation Studies
  159. HAZOP Hazard and Operability Studies
  160. HGCRA Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act
  161. HMRC Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs
  162. HPHW High-Pressure Hot Water
  163. HRA Human Rights Act
  164. HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator
  165. HSE Health and Safety Executive
  166. HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
  167. HVOTL High Voltage Overhead Transmission Line
  168. IBC, IC Intermediate Building Contract
  169. iBIM Integrated BIM
  170. ICC International Chamber of Commerce
  171. ICD Intermediate Building Contract with Contractor’s Design
  172. ICE Institution of Civil Engineers
  173. ICE 6 The 6th edition of the Measurement Contract published by the ICE
  174. ICE 7 The 7th edition of the Measurement Contract published by the ICE
  175. IChemE Institution of Chemical Engineers
  176. ICI Imperial Chemical Industries
  177. ICP Independent Connections Provider
  178. IEE Institution of Electrical Engineers
  179. IET Institution of Engineering and Technology
  180. IFC Intermediate Form of Contract; Issued for Construction
  181. IFC 84 Intermediate Form of Contract 1984 version
  182. IFCE International Federation of Consulting Engineers
  183. IIE Institution of Incorporated Engineers
  184. IMechE Institutions of Mechanical Engineers
  185. Incoterms International Commercial Terms
  186. IPT Integrated project team
  187. ISO International Organization for Standardization
  188. IT Information Technology
  189. ITB Invitation to Bid
  190. ITN Invitation to Negotiate
  191. ITT Invitation to Tender
  192. IVA Individual Voluntary Arrangement
  193. JCT Joint Contracts Tribunal
  194. JV Joint Venture
  195. KPI Key Performance Indicator
  196. LADs Liquidated and Ascertained Damages
  197. LCIA London Court of International Arbitration
  198. LCJ Lord Chief Justice
  199. LDEDC orLDEDCA Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009
  200. LDF Local Development Framework
  201. LIBID The London Interbank Bid Rate
  202. LIBOR The London Interbank Offered Rate
  203. LIFT Local Improvement Finance Trust
  204. LJ Lord Justice; Lady Justice
  205. LJJ Lords Justices; Ladies Justices
  206. LLP Limited Liability Partnership
  207. LOI Letter of Intent
  208. LS Locus Sigilli
  209. M&E Mechanical and Electrical
  210. M&O Management and Operations
  211. MC Management Building Contract
  212. MCD Main Contractor’s Discount
  213. MDB Multilateral Development Banks
  214. MDF Medium-Density Fibreboard
  215. MDP Multi-Disciplinary Practice
  216. MEAT Most Economically Advantageous Tender
  217. MEP Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing
  218. MEWPs Mobile Elevating Work Platforms
  219. MF/1 Model Form of General Conditions of Contract/1
  220. MF/2 Model Form of General Conditions of Contract/2
  221. MH Manhole
  222. MOAT Methods of Assessment and Testing
  223. MRICS Member of RICS
  224. MRT Mean Radiant Temperature
  225. MW Minor Works Building Contract
  226. MWD JCT Minor Works Building Contract with Contractor’sDesign
  227. MWSUB/D JCT Minor Works Building Subcontract with Subcontractor’s Design
  228. NAECI National Agreement for the Engineering Construction Industry
  229. NBS National Building Specifi cation
  230. NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement; Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
  231. NEC New Engineering Contract
  232. NHBC National House Building Council
  233. NIA Nuclear Industry Association
  234. NJCC National Joint Consultative Committee for Building
  235. NOx Nitrogen Oxides
  236. NR Noise Rating
  237. NSB National Standards Body
  238. NSC Nominated Subcontractor
  239. NSCC National Specialist Contractor’s Council
  240. O&M Operation and Maintenance Manual
  241. OCR Optical Character Recognition
  242. ODN Ordnance Datum Newlyn
  243. OFFER Offi ce of Electricity Regulation
  244. OFGEM Offi ce of Gas and Electricity Markets
  245. OHP (OH&P) Overheads and Profi t
  246. OJEU The Offi cial Journal of the European Union
  247. OJEU Notice The Offi cial Journal of the European Union Notice
  248. OSB Oriented Strand Board
  249. P3 Primavera Project PlannerTM
  250. PABX Private Automatic Branch eXchange
  251. PAP Pre-Action Protocol
  252. PBA Project Bank Account
  253. PC Polycarbonate sheet; Practical Completion
  254. PC item/sum Prime Cost item/sum
  255. PD Practice Direction
  256. PE Polyethylene
  257. PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique
  258. PFI Private Finance Initiative
  259. PFP Passive Fire Protection
  260. pH Potential Hydrogen
  261. POMI Principles of Measurement International
  262. PP Polypropylene
  263. PPC2000 A Standard Form of Contract for Project Partnering, published by the ACA
  264. PPP Public–Private Partnership
  265. PQQ Pre-Qualifi cation Questionnaire
  266. PS Polystyrene
  267. PSW Performance Specifi ed Work
  268. PTFE Polytetrafl uorethylene
  269. PTR Pre-Trial Review
  270. PU Polyurethane
  271. PVB Polyvinyl Butyral
  272. PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
  273. PVCu Unplasticised PVC
  274. PVF Polyvinyl Fluoride
  275. PVF2 Polyvinylidene Fluoride
  276. PWR Pressured Water Reactor
  277. QA Quality Assurance
  278. QB Queen’s Bench Division
  279. QC Queen’s Counsel; Quality Control
  280. QM Quality Management
  281. QS Quantity Surveyor
  282. RAG Residential Agency Guidelines
  283. RCD Residual Current Device
  284. RDSAP Reduced Data Standard Assessment Procedure
  285. RE Resident Engineer
  286. RFI Request for Information
  287. RH Relative Humidity
  288. RIAS Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
  289. RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects
  290. RICS Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
  291. ROT clause Retention of title clause
  292. RPB Regional Planning Body
  293. RPG Regional Planning Guidance
  294. RPI Retail Prices Index
  295. R/R Relative Readings
  296. RS Regional Strategy
  297. RSC Rules of the Supreme Court
  298. RSJ Rolled Steel Joist
  299. RSS Regional Spatial Strategy
  300. RTECS Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances
  301. RWP Rainwater Pipe
  302. SBC Small Bayonet Cap ; Standard Building Contract
  303. SC Supreme Court
  304. SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
  305. SCL Society of Construction Law
  306. SES Small Edison Screw
  307. SI Statutory Instruments
  308. SIP Structurally Insulated Panels
  309. SME Small and Medium Sized Enterprise
  310. SMM, SMM7 Standard Method of Measurement
  311. SPV Special Purpose Vehicle
  312. SRB Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria
  313. ss Stainless Steel
  314. SSL Structural Slab Level
  315. SSSI Site of Special Scientifi c Interest
  316. SUDS Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
  317. SWIFT Structured What-If Technique
  318. TBM Temporary Benchmark
  319. TCC Technology and Construction Court
  320. TCLR Technology and Construction Law Reports
  321. TECBAR Technology and Construction Bar Association
  322. TeCSA Technology and Construction Solicitors’ Association
  323. TOC Taking Over Certifi cate
  324. TPO Tree Preservation Order
  325. TQ Technical Query
  326. TRADA Timber Research and Development Association
  327. TRU Thermostatic Radiator Valve
  328. UDP Unitary Development Plan
  329.  UNCITRAL The United Nations Commission on InternationalTrade Law
  330. UNIDROIT International Institute for the Unifi cation of Private Law
  331. UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
  332. uPVC Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride
  333. VAT Value Added Tax
  334. VAV Variable Air Volume systems
  335. VE Value Engineering
  336. WCs Water Closet, toilet
  337. WHRB Waste Heat Recovery Boiler
  338. WLR Weekly Law Reports
  339. Y2K Year 2000

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Civil Engineering

Introduction It is a professional who can build other imagination into reality. Civil engineering is the oldest branch in engineering also...