Friday, October 23, 2020



(IS 269-1989 & IS 4031-1988 PART 3)

AIM:   To determine the soundness of the given sample of cement by "Le Chatelier" Method.

 APPARATUS: Le Chatelier apparatus conforming to IS 5514-1969, Balance, Weights, Water bath.


It is fundamental that the concrete, cement will not go through an obvious change in volume in the time of setting. This is guaranteed by restricting the amounts of free lime, magnesia and sulfates in concrete which are the reasons for the adjustment in a volume known as unsoundness in cement don't come to the surface for an extended timeframe. This test is intended to quicken the slaking cycle by the utilization of warmth and finding the imperfections in a brief timeframe.


1.        Spot the delicately oiled shape on a gently oiled glass sheet and fill it with cement paste framed by weighing cement with 0.78 times the water needed to give a paste of standard consistency. 

2.         The glue will be checked in the way and under the conditions recommended in the assurance of consistency of standard cement paste, taking consideration to keep the edges of the shape tenderly together. 

3.       While this activity is being performed spread the form with another sample of the glass sheet, place a little weight on this covering glass sheet and quickly lower the entire get together in the water at a temperature of 27 0 - 20 C and keep there for 24 hours. 

4.         Measure the distance separating the indicator points. 

5.         Lower the moulds again in the water at the temperature endorsed previously.

6.       Carry the water to boiling, with the mould kept lowered for 25 to 30 minutes, and keep it boiling for three hours

7.     Eliminate the mould from the water permit it to cool and gauge the separation between the pointers  

8.         The difference between these two measurements represent the expansion of the cement.

9.         For good quality cement this expansion should not be more than 10mm.


 The initial length in mm    =

 Final length in mm   =

 Expansion in mm = final length - initial length  =

 RESULT: Expansion in ---------------------mm


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