Friday, November 12, 2021

Chemical Test of cement IS : 4032 – 1985

      Clause 1. 4.1.15 Part -1

1.    Standard EDTA Solution — 0.01 M. Dissolve 3.7224 g of disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate dihydrate in 400 ml hot water and make up the volume in one-litre flask. Take 10 ml of standard zinc solution in an Erlenmeyer flask. Add 20 ml buffer solution of pH 10 and warm to 50 to 60°C. Add 50 mg Eriochrome Black-T indicator and titrate with EDTA till the colour changes from wine red to clear blue. Note the volume of EDTA used ( V ). Calculate the molarity of EDTA as follows:

2. Heat of Ignition

2.      Heat 1.00 g of the sample for 15 minutes in a weighed and covered platinum crucible (a porcelain crucible may also be used) of 20 to 25 ml capacity by placing it in a muffle furnace at temperature between 900° and 1000°C; cool and weigh. Check the loss in weight by a second heating for 5 minutes and re-weigh. Record the loss in weight as the loss on ignition

             Calculate the percent loss on ignition as below:

             Percent loss on ignition = loss in weight × 100

Civil Engineering

Introduction It is a professional who can build other imagination into reality. Civil engineering is the oldest branch in engineering also...